Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dirty Blonde Asylum

 Take The Black Angels at their most hypnotic and that's what you have here. Keep an eye on these guys, they are fucking great. You know what's also great? The fact that they are allowing you to download their ep for free ninety nine.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Greatest words ever from pitchfork

"007: Led Zeppelin IV [Atlantic; 1971] We must be lying to ourselves: There is no way this album should not be #1. If my fellow PFM writers could go to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 's memory-erasure clinic and wipe out everything related to this record and band-- the radio overplay, the Spinal Tap jokes, Robert Plant asking, "Does anybody remember laughter?"-- and hear IV again for the first time, it would be at the very top of this list. Because when the riff from "Black Dog" hits you for the first time, you come face to face with God. Nothing is bigger than Led Zeppelin IV. It tears your skin and grinds away your doubt and self-hatred, freeing the rage and lust and anger of cockblocked adolescence. Listening to this album is like fucking the Grand Canyon. Some people call "When the Levee Breaks" the album's true epic, because it sounds like the blues while "Stairway to Heaven" sounds like druids. But that was the fucking point. Zeppelin understood that you spend your days under the weight of shit, so they show you the way out with a moronized stewpot of myth, Tolkien and California daydreaming, a place where you can pray for greatness from battles you'll never fight. Zeppelin spanned it all, because they knew sometimes you wield the Hammer of the Gods and sometimes you just get the shaft. --Chris Dahlen" This is the best thing I've ever read on Pitchfork, a site I usually am not too fond of. The context is their 100 best albums of the 70's. I agree totally with this. I mean, I'm not the biggest Zeppelin fan, but they we're fucking amazing. You just have to listen to records like this with a totally clear mind, like its 1971 and you just picked up the record. Then you'll truly appreciate it. Sometimes you need a little help from a certain thing to get there, but hey who doesn't.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Blue Angel Lounge

I'm looking forward to this album! Its makes me feel like I'm wandering through some post-apocalyptic desert in the middle of an ayahuasca journey. Cool stuff.

Woods - Cali In A Cup

Groovy dudes. Ya dig? Looking forward to the new record.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Sven Libaek - In The Wave

I dig Sven. I dig surf soundtracks made especially for surf films, from Morning of the Earth, Endless Summer to Year Zero. Great for some summer longboarding.

pleasure is a deathwish


Dungen - Det Tar Did

More hippie music. This time its Dungen, from Sweden. A track off their 2008 album titled 4, its one of my favorites. They are an incredible band and a huge influence on a lot of psych music. A very unique sound as well. You're not going to find a band that makes the same sound they do. The side projects "The Amazing" and "Life on Earth!" both of which I adore, are close but all three have a their own flavour. I admit that in a few of their songs, the Swedish vocals sound a bit goofy to me but most of the time there is such a great melody to his voice that it doesn't matter that its in Swedish. I find this is the same for me with Spanish vocals yet I feel that Spanish is a prettier language, especially when it comes to singing. Enjoy! It Takes Time

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vetiver - Soft Glass

There are no words for how much I love Vetiver and this song in particular. Every song on every album makes me relaxed and happy. He expands upon the early to mid 70's folky psychy rock with fantastic results.Bung dinga dung diga dun diga dun

Emeralds - Access Granted

 This song, and album, is a fantastic piece of electro-psych. If you think otherwise, I'll just slap you in the face. What did the five fingers say to the face?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fleetwood Mac/The Amazing

One of my favorite contemporary bands, The Amazing, paid tribute to Danny Kirwan of Fleetwood Mac, one of my favorites from the late 60's/early70's. The took some of the song structure and chords from "Sunny Side of Heaven" and remade it into "The Kirwan Song". Both songs are absolutely spectacular, but you can't really compare the two. Both had different influences, were made at different times, however I think its safe to say both were made under the influence of fun drugs. Bravo. For those of you who didn't know, Fleetwood Mac was cool before Stevie Nicks joined in. Now the only original member is the drummer, Mick Fleetwood so they're only 25% cool. Enough rambling, listen and enjoy.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Shit these guys are good. Real good. On the mountain side

This is Tudor Style