Saturday, October 20, 2012

Melody's Echo Chamber

Dreamy, psychedelic pop. As if she didn't sound trippy enough already, Kevin Parker (Tame Impala) produced the record. Every song is fantastic, so get the whole album. What...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just some photos from the collection

Where have the Docta's Been...?

Why we've been planning how to get into Mordor with Bill Cosby. It's getting heated. Especially since there are no black people in Lord of the Rings. Hmmmmm....

Also some serious music hunting and gathering, which of course leads to music digestion, which leads to posts, which leads to links, which leads to you downloading in YOUR hunt for music, and that makes the big wheel keep on turnin'!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lord Huron - TIme To Run

Hot damn!!! I just learned about the new Lord Huron record and I am psyched! Judging by this video, which combines two of my loves hippie music and westerns, it's going to be one of my favorite albums. Great video for the song too! An all-time favorite for sure! The album is out October 9th! HOOOORAYYYY!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Adult Swim Singles Program

Adult Swim Singles Program

Adultswim, the unofficial late-night stoner channel, released 13 singles over the course of the summer. It was an eclectic mix yet all of it was wonky and handpicked by other people who enjoy a good bong hit. Not all of it was my taste, but I did really enjoy Unknown Mortal Orchestra's track as well as Wye Oak's "Spirals". Gauntlet Hair and Com Truise were great as well. What else impressed me was the artwork. It was incredible. Such a fantastic idea/theme. Very heady. It is definitely inspiring me and my own work. You can download all 13 tracks in one big file now by going to the link above. Enjoy!

Wye Oak - Spirial

This track is fucking cool. Lots of spacey echos. All the sounds just bounce around in your head off each other. Headphones preferably.

Treefight For Sunlight

some more songs from these Danes

Give it a spin

Quilt - Cowboys In the Void

Props for an awesomely hippie album cover. Give it a go.